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Meredith Eckard ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

SuperStar Director


My Story

I am the mum and home school teacher to 2 boys, Mason is 12 and Timothy is 11. My husband and business partner is an active duty United States Marine. We have 4 crazy dogs that we rescued. We LOVE to travel, the boys and I just got back from a 5 week holiday in Europe. Timothy is my WHY. 

Why did I join Scentsy? Well, first I will tell you why I did NOT join Scentsy... I did not join to sell anything or to grow a team or to take amazing vacations or to earn a substantial income that allows me to do what I want with my boys and certainly I did not join to gain lifelong friendships...those were all byproducts of this amazing ride that some call a job, but I call my life. I simply joined Scentsy Fragrance on Aug. 26, 2009 to get the kit and earn a commission back on my own purchases. You see I was a candle junkie, my home ALWAYS smelled good. After December of 2008 this all changed. My WHY, my Timothy clung to life between November and December in a medically induced paralytic coma on life support due to respiratory failure. He should not be here today, but he is one heck of a fighter. When we brought him home from the hospital we also brought with us 2 barrels of liquid more flames for me...I started researching alternatives in the beginning of 2009 and made my move to try Scentsy Fragrance out in August. I still did not plan to sell or build a team. In fact, my first 70 day PRV (personal retail volume) is ZERO... January 2010 rolled around and I got this email from some guy named Orville, I had no clue who he was, but he was talking about this National Convention in Denver and if I signed up by a specific date I would get an extra something. What I really read was, you can go to Denver, no kids, no husband, get a suite at a hotel ALL BY YOURSELF for 3 days and you can write it all off on your taxes...mumcation! You had better bet I signed up! Denver Convention 2010 is where I started my Scentsy Family Career, I still have my slip of paper from my then SSD's meeting, they asked us to write something we would like to attain with Scentsy... mine read, 'When I grow up, I want to be like them’  little did I know that I would 'grow' up just a short 12 months later! I went home with a fire lit in me and on August 1, 2010 I really became a Scentsy Consultant. I moved and I moved fast and hard (mind you I do not pay for advertising and I do not have a blog or any extra websites, only the one Scentsy provides...all my group growth is from personally building relationships) September 2010, I became a Director, August 2011 I became a Star Director and September 2011 I promoted to the highest level, SuperStar Director. 

My WHY has and will always remain the same, but my reasons for building my down line and business are forever expanding. I LOVE the thousands of men and women that I can truly call my friends. I LOVE the lives that change daily with the blessing that Scentsy Family brings to them. I LOVE the personal growth I have attained by living a life within the Scentsy Family values. I LOVE the way my boys embrace our Scentsy Family business. I LOVE that my Mason started a non-profit foundation BECAUSE of the Scentsy Family Value, 'Give More Than You Take' I LOVE taking my boys on educational trips around the world because my paycheck was awesome. I LOVE that when my Timothy is hospitalized, I can spend every moment with him and know that I still have a business. I LOVE the outpouring of support I get from my Scentsy Family friends when Timothy is in the hospital, they will drop anything to help a sister out, it is truly a mind blowing, remarkable thing...people that you may have never met, WILL be there to lend an ear, hand, meal, etc. I LOVE that I can 'Start a party anywhere' yes, I have been known to whip out my testers and catalogs on an airplane..hey they are captive, they cannot exactly excuse themselves to exit, plus people are inherently nosy, they WANT to know what it is! I LOVE being able to go on crazy, all expense paid trips with my husband, just for doing what I LOVE to do. I LOVE being able to sooth my obsession and make money on it and take a tax write off on it...cannot sell it if I don't try it  I LOVE blessing others with the Scentsy Family Opportunity! 

If you got through this, you will know that I LOVE EVERYTHING SCENTSY FAMILY and I LOVE that you all get to experience it oh so very soon! xox Meredith